
Small businessCPA Advisory Services

Along with our complete small business bookkeeping, accounting, reporting, and tax package, work with an Origami CPA to generate more cash from your business and set and achieve your financial goals. For a better life now and a better retirement later.

Why Choose Origami Advisory?

We know how small businesses succeed

We want you to succeed too. Our personalized service includes a quarterly meeting with one of our CPAs to review your results, your progress in reaching in your goals, and adjustments you need to make to stay on track.

Monthly Bookkeeping

Each month, your Origami Staff Accountant will ensure your transactions are recorded and categorized, and your books are up to date.

Corporate Tax

Your Origami CPA will do your yearly tax planning and prepare and file your corporate tax return. This is included in the monthly fee.

Financial Planning

We’ll help you set clear financial targets and track your performance. And we’ll give you financial coaching to keep you on track.

How It Works

It's about setting clear financial targets for success

Small businesses succeed by taking more and more of the right steps, one step at a time.

Step 1


We get to know your business. We make sure you understand your financial statements and how they link to your goals.

Step 2

Set clear financial targets

We help you take stock of where you’re at and where you want to go, and we help you set targets for the key financial numbers.

Step 3

Track your performance and focus

Each quarter, you’ll review your Scorecard with your CPA, who will help you understand your results and where you need to focus.

Our Story

Origami Small Business Advisory Services

How we help small business owners reach their financial goals

Dear Small Business Owner,

The financial results of your business determine your financial present (the lifestyle you want to live) and your financial future (the retirement you want to have).

As goes your business bank account, so goes your personal bank account.

Without strong financial results in your business, you sacrifice your present and you compromise your future.

If you don’t have a clear picture or control of your financial results, you’re getting all the trouble of owning a small business without enjoying any of its true benefits.

We can help. Origami is an expert team of CPAs, bookkeepers, and software engineers committed to helping our clients set and achieve their financial goals.

We’ve worked with thousands of small business owners across Canada.

We’ve seen how some have managed to create strong profits and cash flow and opened up a whole new chapter in their lives. We’ve seen up close what success looks like in a range of industries.

The Origami small business advisory service is designed to help you achieve similar success in your own business.

Our advisory service includes our monthly bookkeeping and accounting service plus a structured, tailored to your business, target setting and accountability piece.

Here’s how it works:

1. An introductory video call to determine one very important number: the amount you want to receive for simply owning the business without having to work in it. If you don’t know that number off the top of your head, that is perfectly fine and it’s perfectly normal. The purpose of the introductory call is to suss it out and we’ve gotten pretty good at doing that.

2. A very brief piece of homework for you in breaking down your main products/services and their direct costs. This is to identify the main levers for changing the financial results for your business.

3. Once we know how much you want to receive for merely owning the business and the detailed information on the products and services you offer, we invert. Starting from your goal we determine what is required, specifically, to achieve it and we build a model for it.

4. With the upfront work done we settle into the quarterly meeting flow where we go over the specific targets that need to be met if you are to achieve your goal, review how actual performance compares, discuss ideas for addressing any shortfalls, and revise the targets if necessary.

What we’ve learned from working with thousands of small businesses across Canada is that small business owners succeed by setting clear financial targets and then adopting a laser focus on reaching those goals.

We want to set (and keep) you on the success path.

Call us today at 1-888-745-1315 or fill out our online form to get started.

Until we meet,


— The Origami Team

Frequently asked questions

I’m behind on my bookkeeping. Can you help me get caught up to date?
Absolutely. The fact is most clients need us to do at least some catch up work to get their books up to date. We determine the scope of your catch up work (bookkeeping and prior year tax filing) during the onboarding process. And we’ll give you a flat fee quote to complete the work. Catch up work is still priced per month, but our catch up fees are discounted from our regular monthly fees.
I’m way behind. Is Origami still a good fit?
We cannot take on more than 5 years (60 months) of catch up work per new client. Most of our bookkeeping team is assigned to regular monthly work so we have to be careful in managing the workload in our catch up queue. Although we’d be happy to work with you once you’re caught up, if you have more than 5 years of catch up work, Origami, unfortunately, wouldn’t be a good fit.
I’m in the middle of my fiscal year. Can I switch to Origami from my current provider?
If you’re more than 9 months into your fiscal year, and your current provider has already done the bookkeeping work for those months, then we recommend that you finish the year with your current provider and start with Origami for your new fiscal year. If you want us to take over the bookkeeping from another service provider in the middle of your fiscal year, we’d need to review the file to identify issues that need to be addressed before we can start. We will also need to charge a minimum fee to cover the year end filing if you are more than half way into your fiscal year.
What bookkeeping software do you use?
We work exclusively with QuickBooks Online (QBO). If you’re currently using another system (Xero, Wave, etc.), we’ll handle getting you set up on QBO. If you have a requirement to use something other than QBO for your bookkeeping, then, unfortunately, we wouldn’t be a good fit for your needs.
I’ve been doing bookkeeping in QuickBooks Online. I’m up to date. Can you simply take over?
Yes. But before starting our monthly service, we’ll review your existing QBO file to make sure it’s up to our bookkeeping standards. If for any reason there are issues with the file, we’ll send you a detailed list of what needs to be fixed. Alternatively, we could fix or redo the bookkeeping for you depending on what state it’s in. We would tell you up front if we need to charge additional fees for this fix-up work.
Can you pay my bills for me?
Unfortunately, we’re unable to take on AR/AP management. We don’t have dedicated staff to handle this work, and it would go against best practices to assign it to our Staff Accountants. To ensure adequate financial controls, the person recording the transaction should be distinct from the person generating the transaction.
Do you work with not-for-profits?
Not-for-profits require a specific set of financial reporting that just isn’t our forte. You’ll be better off finding a firm who specializes in what you do, and we’re sorry to say in this case that just isn’t us.
Are there businesses that wouldn’t be a good fit for your service?
We currently serve federally incorporated businesses and businesses incorporated in Alberta, B.C., Ontario, or Saskatchewan. We don’t serve not-for-profit corporations, sole proprietors, condo corporations, or law firms or real estate firms that require trust accounting. If you’re looking for more support, e.g., AR/AP, payroll, controller support, or more frequent bookkeeping, our sister company Clerk may be able to help. We focus strictly on monthly bookkeeping, monthly financial statements, and corporate tax and sales tax preparation and filing.

Small Business 101

Essential skills and knowledge for small business owners

Each week, we post ideas, tips, advice, and stories to help Canadian small business owners succeed in their business.

Why You Need a Small Business Accountant

CPAs provide 3 basic and increasingly valuable services to small business owners. Corporate tax returns are just the first.

4 Reasons Why You Need a Small Business Bookkeeper

You only have so much time, patience, and determination in any given day. Do you want to spend it learning bookkeeping or building a successful business?

You Want to Build a Better Business

You started a small business so you and your family could be financially better off. If you're already there, congratulations! If you're not, Origami can help you get there.


What our clients have to say

We come to work every day committed to helping our clients succeed

With Origami, I can see and know everything about my financials as I go. So I can just focus on my business and do the things I know how to do.
Jason Ewart
Jason Ewart
Student Suds
We know that it’s in good hands, it’s accurate, and we can show investors exactly how this whole thing works and how it’s going to make money.
Lawrence Bliss
Lawrence Bliss
Bliss Baked Goods

Ready to get started?Tell us a little bit about your business